Veterinary Services
Pet Kitten Care
Louisville, KY
Pet Kitten Care
Kittens are lively and cute, but they also have very specific medical care needs. Kitten vaccines and parasite prevention are critical, and we highly recommend beginning the kitten visits as soon as you get your new pal. The first visit is designed to help with any kitten questions or concerns you may have. Each of our new kitten patients will receive a free “Kitten Kit”, equipped with a measuring cup, dose of flea/tick preventative, educational information about your new addition, and other fun items.
What to Expect at Your Kitten’s Vet Visits:
Visit 1 (6 weeks)
- Physical exam
- First FVRCP combo vaccine
- Feline immunodeficiency virus and leukemia test
- Intestinal parasite analysis
Visit 2 (9 weeks)
- Physical exam (no charge)
- Second FVRCP combo vaccine
- First feline leukemia vaccine
- Intestinal parasite analysis
- Start parasite prevention
Visit 3 (12 weeks)
- Physical Exam (no charge)
- Third FVRCP combo vaccine
- Second feline leukemia vaccine
- Second dose of parasite prevention
Visit 4 (16 weeks)
- Physical Exam (no charge)
- Fourth FVRCP combo vaccine
- Rabies vaccine
- Third dose of parasite prevention
- Discuss Metro Louisville Animal License (if applicable)